Friday, August 22, 2008

Ah, yes. The first week of school is over. Now I have a few days until it starts again,  so this weekend I'll start working on some new songs.  

As for things with the band I'm currently playing with, I don't think things are working out. The music is cool, the studio is great (Vending machine with $1 beer? I'll take it!), the guys are so so nice, so what's wrong? Eh, I like to dance and rock out a little. The songs are super complicated, a little mathy, and maybe not what I'd most prefer to be playing/writing while trying to look cute. 

I guess it's back to craigslist. It's so much sifting on there, and usually not finding anything interesting. Maybe now that school is back in session, all the dabblers have moved on and a slew of serious musicians with songs that don't sound like tributes to all nümetal bands who ever lived to scar the face of music have moved in. Here's hoping...


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