Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Is this it?

Man, I'm so bummed. I just wrote my very first blog and somehow managed to delete it without saving a draft or actually publishing it. Damn. Maybe I'll snoop around this place and recover it.

I'm thinking a movie tonight. Dark Knight, probably. Though, I have plans to see that in the imax on wednesday. Hmm.

I'll go make a drink and think about the show times, and probably think right through the last showing.

in: ..3...2...1

recovery complete

I've got an iron on one side of me, a dreaming dog on the other, my Dad is calling, and the ice in my drink is melting. Obviously, I only have a few minutes to play around here. My very busy life is calling me back right now. 

Today, I went ballistic inside of a service station in a road rage/pre morning cigarette/pre caffeine fit. I know that's super lame, but what isn't is that I think I've given a few people some good stories to run home with, and a few more a good look at the true face of a pre-menstrual woman.

Go ahead, jump on my schedule.

and in: ..3...2...1