Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"No, Honey. It only gets worse."

Bottega called me for an interview today. I need to be really optimistic about getting the job. I am very near running into a wall with all the recent financial challenges I've had as of late. After paying court fees, a water bill, anger management fees, and a parking ticket on top of normal living expenses due, I find out that I'm only getting $45 back from my $500 deposit from the management at last dump I rented. I asked my boss-who happens to be one of my best friends-if it ever stops. To which she replied ....

Friday, November 7, 2008


Apparently the petition I linked is closed to new signers. I can't imagine why. Find another, and sign it.

why the fuck didn't prop 8 flop? i'm still hung up on it, and you should be too.. sign the petition.